
Think of the Web as an endless jungle full of paths and passages. Only after hours of searching will you come by an interesting place. This section is a small map of what is out there. The links on this page will take to you to all kinds of different sites that I find interesting.
Internet Movie Database - There's a reason why there's only one link concerning movies. This is all you need. IMDb is the best site of it's kind. Try their search engine and you'll wonder how you could live without it.
Mp3 - An Mp3 is a music file.
It contains songs that you hear in the radio. Their size is about 1 Mb per minute and this place can show you where and how to get them.
Mp3site - As good as the first link. However their search engine is not fully functional yet, so you might want to use...
The Chaos Engine - One of the coolest Mp3 search engines.
International Lyrics Server -
A huge database of lyrics!
Lyrics - Worth a visit, but not as good as the one above.
Game NOT over - Ashamed of having to put all those games away because you couldn't finish them? Try this place!
Chris's Humour Vault - Nice place with categorized jokes.
Funny and Naughty Wav's - Definately worth a visit!
Princesse Diana - Heard of the infamous accident pictures? Real or not, here they are...
Virtual Reality Moon Phase Pictures - Enter a date and see what the moon looked like at the time. Try your birthday, anniversary or anything other date that comes to mind.
Adeveloper - Building a web page? Need an extra Email address? Want to find other kinds of search engines? THIS is the place to visit!
Tucows - One of the Web's best shareware sites. It has mirrors almost anywhere in the world and features an amazing collection of programs.
Ray-Traced Images - Links to 3D pictures.
Homemade Explosives Homepage - Want to blow up your teachers, your boss, your mother in law? This is the place to visit!
Guide to Lock Picking - Lost your key? No problem! Find out how to pick those pesky locks...
Fravia's page of reverse engineering - Don't let the name put you off. If you surf the net this should be your first stop. Find out what they don't want you to know!
Impending Doom - A survival guide.
Rotten - Warning! This place is full of sick stuff like accident pictures and deformed babies. Not for the faint-hearted. Don't say I didn't warn you!
If you know any useful, original, strange or downright weird sites...